Use umi with dva

As of >= umi@2, we recommend using umi-plugin-react for dva integration.


  • Model loading by directory, getting rid of app.model
  • File name as namespace, namespace as model key will be exported by umi
  • No manually defined router.js, umi will take over the router stuff, and both models and components can be loaded on demand
  • Built-in query-string handler, manually encoding and decoding URL are not required any more
  • Built-in dva-loading and dva-immer support, of which dva-immer can be enabled via configuration
  • Out of box, dependencies such as: dva, dva-loading, dva-immer, path-to-regexp, object-assign, react, react-dom are built in, so that you don't have to worry about them


Install via yarn,

$ yarn add umi-plugin-react

Install via npm, using the command npm install --save umi-plugin-react.

Add configuration in .umirc.js:

export default {
  plugins: [
        dva: true,

Enable dva-immer for elegant reducer writing experience

export default {
  plugins: [
        dva: {
          immer: true

Registering models

There are two types of models: the globally registered (global) model, and the page-level model.

The global model should be defined in /src/models/, and can be referenced in all other pages.

The page-level model should not be used in any other page.

Model loading rules:

  • src/models/**/*.js are defined as global models
  • src/pages/**/models/**/*.js are defined as page-level models
  • global models will be loaded along with the application; page-level models are loaded on demand while in production build (both will always be loaded in development build)
  • page-level models can be .js files in models/**/*.js pattern
  • page-level models can be scanned upward to app structure, For example: if you have page .js like pages/a/b.js, its page-level model shall be pages/a/b/models/**/*.js + pages/a/models/**/*.js...
  • if model.js is defined, the page should be a single-file-model, which means you don't have to create models directory if you have only one model. So if you have model.js defined, all .js files defined in models/**/*.js will be ignored


+ src
  + models
    - g.js
  + pages
    + a
      + models
        - a.js
        - b.js
        + ss
          - s.js
      - page.js
    + c
      - model.js
      + d
        + models
          - d.js
        - page.js
      - page.js

With the above file structure:

  • the global model is src/models/g.js
  • the page-level models for /a is src/pages/a/models/{a,b,ss/s}.js
  • the page-level model for /c is src/pages/c/model.js
  • the page-level models for /c/d are src/pages/c/model.js, src/pages/c/d/models/d.js

Configuration and plugins

The previous configuration in src/dva.js has been deprecated, and will remove support in next major release.

Create a new app.js in the src directory with the following contents:

export const dva = {
  config: {
    onError(e) {
  plugins: [


Page component is not re-rendered whenever url changed?

If you have connect data in layouts/index.js, umi/withRouter is required

import withRouter from 'umi/withRouter';

export default withRouter(connect(mapStateToProps)(LayoutComponent));

How to access store or dispatch?


How to disable load on demand for component and models?

Add config to .umirc.js:

export default {
  plugins: [
        dva: {
          dynamicImport: undefined // config in dva
        dynamicImport: undefined   // root config will be inherited as well

Page component is not re-rendered whenever url is changed while connect data in layout

Check the order of connect, withRouter usage

import withRouter from 'umi/withRouter';
export default withRouter(connect()(Layout));
