Directory and Convention

In the organization of files and directories, umi tries to choose the agreed upon way.

The directory structure of a complex application is as follows:

├── dist/                           // default build output directory
├── mock/                           // The directory where the mock file is located, based on express
├── config/
    ├── config.js                   // umi configuration, same as .umirc.js, choose one
└── src/                            // source directory, optional
    ├──layouts/index.js             // global layout
    ├── pages/                      // page directory, the file inside is the route
        ├── .umi/                   // dev temp directory, need to be added to .gitignore
        ├── .umi-production/        // build temporary directory, will be deleted automatically
        ├── document.ejs            // HTML template
        ├── 404.js                  // 404 page
        ├── page1.js                // page 1, arbitrarily named, export react component
        ├── page1.test.js           // Use case file, umi test will match all files ending in .test.js and .e2e.js
        └── page2.js                // page 2, arbitrarily named
    ├── global.css                  // Conventional global style files, imported automatically, or global.less
    ├── global.js                   // can add polyfill here
├── .umirc.js                       // umi configuration, same as config/config.js, choose one
├── .env                            // environment variable
└── package.json

ES6 Grammar

Configuration files, mock files, etc. are registered in real time with @babel/register, so you can use ES6 syntax and es modules just like files in src.


The default output path can be modified by configuring outputPath.


It is agreed that all .js files in the mock directory will be parsed as mock files.

For example, create a new mock/users.js with the following contents:

export default {
  '/api/users': ['a', 'b'],

Then visit http://localhost:8000/api/users in your browser to see ['a', 'b'].


By convention, src is the source directory. But optional, simple items can be added without the src directory.

For example: the effect of the following two directory structures is the same.

+ src
  + pages
    - index.js
  + layouts
    - index.js
- .umirc.js
+ pages
  - index.js
+ layouts
  - index.js
- .umirc.js


The global layout is actually a layer outside the route.

For example, your route is:

  { path: '/', component: './pages/index' },
  { path: '/users', component: './pages/users' },

If there is layouts/index.js, then the route becomes:

  { path: '/', component: './layouts/index', routes: [
    { path: '/', component: './pages/index' },
    { path: '/users', component: './pages/users' },
  ] }


All the (j|t)sx? files under the pages are the routes. For more information on contracted routing, go to the Routing chapter.


404 page. Note that there is a 404 prompt page provided by the built-in umi in development mode, so you can access this page only by explicitly accessing /404.


When this file is available, it overrides the default HTML template. Needs to include at least the following code:

<div id="root"></div>


This is a temporary directory produced by umi dev. It contains umi.js and router.js by default, and some plugins will generate some other temporary files here. You can do some validation here, but please don't modify the code directly here, umi restart or file modification under pages will regenerate the files in this folder.


Same as src/pages/.umi, but generated in umi build, it will be automatically deleted after umi build.

.test.(js|ts) and .e2e.(js|ts)

The test file, umi test will find all the .(test|e2e).(j|t)s files to run the test.


At the beginning of the entry file is automatically introduced, you can consider adding polyfill here.


This file does not go css modules, is automatically introduced, you can write some global styles, or do some style coverage.


Runtime configuration files where you can extend runtime capabilities, such as modifying routing, modifying render methods, and so on.

.umirc.(js|ts) and config/config.(js|ts)

Umi's configuration file, choose one.


Environment variables, such as:


The variables defined will be used through the umi lifecycle


Local environment variables, will be loaded after .env. Which means if you have defined a variable with the same name in both two files, the one in .env.local will be used.