Migrate from umi 1.x

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Let's take an example of antd-admin to update from umi@1 to umi@2.

npm Dependency

Upgrade umi to ^2.0.0-0 and use umi-plugin-react instead of the previous plugins, including umi-plugin-dva, umi-plugin-dll, umi-plugin-routes, umi-plugin-polyfill and Umi-plugin-locale.

- "umi": "^1.3.17",
+ "umi": "^2.0.0-beta.16",

- "umi-plugin-dll": "^0.2.1",
- "umi-plugin-dva": "^0.9.1",
- "umi-plugin-routes": "^0.1.5"
+ "umi-plugin-react": "^1.0.0-beta.16",

Umi-plugin-react is a collection of more than a dozen plugins, as described in Introduction to umi-plugin-react.

Environment Variables

Umi@2 supports configuring environment variables in .env, so the environment variables previously written in package.json scripts can be cut here.

- "start": "cross-env COMPILE_ON_DEMAND=none BROWSER=none HOST= umi dev",
+ "start": "cross-env BROWSER=none HOST= umi dev",

Then create a new .env, (where COMPILE_ON_DEMAND is no longer supported)


In addition, some environment variables have changed or are no longer supported:

  • PUBLIC_PATH is no longer supported, configured by publicPath
  • BASE_URL is no longer supported, configured by base
  • COMPILE_ON_DEMAND is no longer supported, and this function is not available in umi@2.
  • TSLINT is no longer supported, and this function is not available in umi@2.
  • ESLINT is no longer supported, and this function is not available in umi@2.


Plugin Configuration

Since we changed a lot of plugins to umi-plugin-react, we need to modify .umirc.js.

export default {
  plugins: [
-    'umi-plugin-dva',
+    ['umi-plugin-react', {
+      dva: true,
+      antd: true,  // antd is not enabled by default, if you need to use it yourself
+    }],

For more dll, polyfilles, locale, title, etc., refer to umi-plugin-react documentation.


Umi@2 no longer supports webpackrc.js, copy the configuration inside it to .umirc.js.


Umi@2 no longer supports webpack.config.js, instead it is implemented by configuring chainWebpack.

Detailed Configuration Item Changes

  • hd is no longer supported. To enable it, load the plugin umi-plugin-react and configure hd: {}
  • disableServiceWorker is no longer supported, it is not enabled by default. To enable it, load the plugin umi-plugin-react and configure pwa: {}
  • preact is no longer supported. To configure, load the plugin umi-plugin-react and configure `library: 'preact'.
  • loading is no longer supported. To configure, load the plugin umi-plugin-react and configure dynamicImport.loadingComponent
  • hashHistory: true changed to history: 'hash'
  • disableDynamicImport is no longer supported, it is not enabled by default. To enable it, load the plugin umi-plugin-react and configure dynamicImport: {}
  • disableFastClick is no longer supported, it is not enabled by default. To enable it, load the plugin umi-plugin-react and configure fastClick: {}
  • No longer supports pages, instead of directly on the route
  • disableHash is no longer supported, it is not enabled by default. To enable it, configure hash: true

Conventional Routing

The routing layer no longer supports directory-level routing for page.js. Previously useful, you need to exclude unwanted routes through umi-plugin-react's routes.exclude.


Interface changes, umi@2 is based on react-loadable.

- dynamic(async () => {})
+ dynamic({ loader: async () => {}})

See umi/dynamic Interface Description for details.